Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quakin' in my boots! :)

Just a quick note to let everyone know we're okay after yesterday's earthquake here in Va. The kids were in the garage and I was on the first floor. I ran through the house, yelling at them to get out of the house. I was like a mother hen with my arms open wide, shooing them out with one child in the crook of each elbow. We huddled in the driveway until the ground stopped roiling. Then 4 families from our street sat in a neighbor's front yard, awaiting after shocks and passing a cordless phone line line that worked b/c all cell service was out. A weird note, while out in the yard, the kids noticed droves of crickets and bugs hopping like made from the forest toward our road. I guess even insects have the survival instinct to get to open ground!

My parents' VA house is about 3 miles from the epicenter. Thankfully, Mom and Dad were on vacation at my sister's in TX. And with double thanks, the protective equipment worked at the local nuclear power plant!! So there was minimal damage at both our house and my parents' house. We have a crack in our porch, some stuff fell off shelves and easy stuff like that. My parents had slight damage to some of their decorations and that was it. All in all, it was not such a big deal. Scary, yes! but minor nonetheless.

Now we'll see what happens with this hurricane nonsense that's headed our way. My guess is it will be a category 1 or less by this weekend. For those of you who don't know, category 1 is like a big rain storm. I'm not too concerned yet. We'll see. Never a dull moment!!

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