Sunday, October 9, 2011

Change is in the Air

Well, most of you know we've had a heart for caring for kids who have no one else for all of our married life. We did orphan work a little in Latvia, did foster care for close to 6 years here in the US, sponsored kids and some other avenues along the way etc. This is not for a pat on the back, just giving some background on us. We looked into hosting programs many years ago, but our children were so young at the time (2 and 4). We always said we'd look into it again when the kids got older. Well, they're now 10 and 11, so we thought we'd look into it again. We've been researching and praying about what avenue to take for about 5-6 months now. We're happy to say, we've been accepted in "Project 143"'s winter host program. Two Latvian orphans will be coming to stay with us for 4 weeks (approximately Dec. 15-Jan 15). (Email me if you want to see pictures!)

The idea is to bless them with some time in America, some time with a family, and some time to celebrate holidays here. I'm so glad we lived in Latvia for 2 years, so we can hopefully make this a very smooth transition for them~~ although we may be skyping with Marika (my BFF from my time in Latvia) quite a bit! Hopefully some of you will want to follow this journey with us. If not, that's okay too. One of the things I learned in AL was this: God will provide the friendships we need and prune the rest. And in other circumstances, he grafts people into our lives, whether temporarily or permanently to allow them to be a part of our family. All 4 of us are looking forward to these kids being a part of our family for a month. We'll see what comes of it! :)


  1. I'm with you!! Very excited for your family and for the kids. And I wanna see pics :)

  2. How fun and exciting... for you AND them!

  3. Dear Tara and Travis and Family: We are happy for you and for the two new "children" about to enter your family. Yes, God is good all the time!

  4. WOW!!!! amazing, feel free to Skype or to write me as often as you need and even more. and yes- please post pictures. And who knows, if these kids are from Riga or nearby, maybe I can meet them sometimes afterwards. :)Why not?

  5. That's wonderful! I'm so excited for your family!

  6. This is exciting news. And, yes, I'd love to see pics. Are these children eligible for adoption?
