Friday, June 10, 2011

2 weeks! (and still melting!)

It's nice to have a smart husband. Travis is doing his thesis on how to integrate DYI communities into industrial design curriculum. Ummm...yeah. For illustration purposes, he designed a bike assist that's caused quite a buzz in the cyclist community down here. No, I'm not using the bike assist for this event!! However, the bike assist landed Travis as a guest speaker at a cyclist group. In the give and take style, the leader gave me some free help on how to help my aching elbows. One of my best friends in Seattle also confirmed what I need to correct the painful problem. It hurt so much I didn't bike much this week, but instead opted for swimming to exercise. So my bike will be adjusted tomorrow and I'll be back on the road with gusto for these final 2 weeks.

I'm looking forward to getting back on my bike and doing this event. I'm still NOT in shape, and my goal is only to do a partial ride. We'll see how far I get. But I have improved over the past month, and that's all I can ask! ARM's director recently decided to make part of our proceeds from the event go to victims of the devastating April tornadoes and part to go to AL's poor who were already on the waiting list. I'm sold on helping both groups of people.

On a more personal note, if you feel lead, please pray for the Lontz clan in general. We need direction!! Travis doesn't have any job offers yet and he ends his Masters program in 7 weeks. He's doing very well in school, loves his profession, and is enjoying applying what he's learning to contract work. He was simply made to do this! I'm so happy for him, so I'm asking for prayer that a great design job comes his way WELL before his time at school is up. 7 weeks will fly by before we know it! That's also when our lease ends on this house we're living in and the lease ends on our house we rented-out in VA. So, we have many decisions to make in the near future and virtually no information to work with. After the bike event, I guess I'll keep the countdown theme, for then, we'll be only 5 weeks out from ending this stage of life. It's been a wonderful "ride" so far. :) We're all so glad we came down here to our Sweet Home Alabama! However, we'll all wondering ~ What's next??

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